2022 Award Winners

Young Citizen
Jessica Kernahan

Local Citizen
Trudy Shultz

Project of the Year
Soccer Field Lighting

Local Business
2021 Award Winners
Young Citizen of the Year

Charles was recognised as a young citizen with interests in music and sports who also shows a sacrificial attitude in helping those in need. From playing guitar at the Christmas Carols events and Local Farmers Markets to refereeing soccer games and volunteering at the Thunderbolts Swimming Club meets Charles shows how young citizens are so valued as active members in the local community.
Citizen of the Year

Diann has been instrumental in the establishment of the Gloucester Community Op-Shop and is an active member of the Gloucester District Tennis Association. She also assists with Meals on Wheels and is a member of the Gloucester Garden Club. Her dedication of time and energy provides an incredible support to many community groups, improving the lives of many and serving as an inspiration to the community.
Local Project

Gloucester Charities was recognised for serving many through the difficult times of COVID providing financial assistance and essential food items to residents that had lost jobs and income in a time of instability and uncertainty.
Local Business

The Gloucester Community Op-Shop run by a group of volunteers provides quality second hand clothing and items at affordable prices to the local community. Profits raised also provide assistance to many community groups. Families suffering domestic violence have also been supported as have local businesses when faced with the devastating effects of unexpected events such as property destroying fire.